Archive for December, 2009
‘Cept, I do.
I know there are plotters and pantsers, list makers, and wing-its. I’m a plotter and a lister. I need my goals clearly stated and listed out or else I forget. Heck, I often say I’d forget my …
Well, despite my worries and fears, Santa stopped by our home and dropped off many, many gifts for the kinderboys and Drama Teen. The tree was ransacked by 7:30 am and then breakfast of french toast made with eggnog was …
Well, there are three naughty children under this roof tonight and major doubt as to whether there will be gifts under the tree in the morning.
The well-oiled workings of the past week lulled me into a false sense of …
I’m convinced that no one should ever tell children that they don’t have school or that Christmas is coming in X amount of days. Kinderboy#2 (aka enthusiastic morning kid) was up before 6 am almost every day this week (except …
I’m writing this Monday post on Sunday evening…okay, not evening, but late at night. I’m trying to stay positive about the next two weeks. It’s difficult, but I’m determined not to ruin the Christmas season wondering how I’m going to …
I’m out sick today, so instead of my usual Friday rant about my crazy family life, I’m going to pass along a video that brought a smile to my face today.
The Pink Glove Dance brought to you by the …
The past few days have been full of not much writing and lots of Christmas activities…putting up the tree, baking Christmas cookies (my favorite shape is the Christmas T-Rex, yep, we also have a Blinkie – 3-eyed fish (from the …
The Christmas season consistently sneaks up on me, but as I was doing the weekend grocery shopping last night, the clerks says “Can you believe Christmas is in just 2 weeks?” Yikes. Thankfully, I’d hit the mall yesterday and finished …
Yeah, I know, Monday’s are supposed to be manic…for me, Fridays are the roughest day of my week. I’m usually trying to wrap up some sort of writing project so that I can spend a little time with my family. …
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