Ericka Scott

Archive for December, 2006

What I’m reading
Wednesday, December 20th, 2006
Filed under What I'm Reading


I’m supposed to be writing. . . I am writing, just not as enthusiastically as I’d like. But it’s the holidays and hard to get motivated. I want to just curl up with a good book and take a day …

No Winner Here
Monday, December 18th, 2006
Filed under A Writer's Life

Well, my Christmas wish didn’t come true, but in the spirit of sportsmanship, I’d like to offer congratulations to Dan Stroschein, The Naughty List, for winning the Fast and Festive Fiction Contest at Echelon Press.

I’m shelving Mary’s Christmas List …

Mary’s Christmas Wish
Tuesday, December 12th, 2006
Filed under Blurbs and Promos

Mary doesn’t believe in Santa anymore. Besides, Santa couldn’t bring what she and her brothers want the most: a new Ma.

Katherine Larson is a spinster, working in her aunt’s boarding house in Chicago. When her friend ends up with …

Fast and Festive Contest
Sunday, December 10th, 2006
Filed under A Writer's Life

I got the e-mail from Echelon Press ( , announcing their Fast and Festive Short Story Contest. Further information about the contest is listed on their blog. Echelon only accepts submissions by invitation, so this might be a …

I’ve been linked!
Friday, December 8th, 2006
Filed under A Writer's Life

Cool — I just found my link on Romancing the Blog — I’m right there under Making Mischief!…

Snow Update
Friday, December 8th, 2006
Filed under A Writer's Life

Mammoth mountain has a snow update every morning during ski season — but I figure once every few weeks will be often enough to keep up with MY snow update.

I completed most of the snowflake for my novel. I …

Critique Groups — Should you or shouldn’t you
Tuesday, December 5th, 2006
Filed under A Writer's Life

I belong to several yahoo lists and the talk on two of them have lately revolved around critique groups. Whether they help or hinder or don’t make any difference a’tall.

Well, I belong to two critique groups. One is a …