Wow, this week has shot by in a blur. Seems like just yesterday it was Monday and I had hours and hours and hours of freedom from tiny tyrants. Now, it’s down to just a few hours to get redlines …
First off, I know this is going to sound childish…but I have to rant.
After spending Thursday with a sick child, Friday contracting the virus (although I got a bit of work done), all day Saturday sick, Sunday feeling like …
On Thursday, Kinderboy#1 came home from school with a stomach ache. The school nurse told me he’d thrown up. Then, she dropped unwelcome news into my lap (figuratively). “There’s an awful virus going around. …
Having attended a Donald Maass workshop (back in January, remember?) — and about to begin “the GREAT agent search of 2010”, I stumbled upon this video and simply had to share.
I don’t know about other people, but I simply will not finish a book that doesn’t hold my attention. I have better things to do with my time. That being said, I found some authors I won’t be adding to …
As if it isn’t enough to write & self-edit a book, promoting one’s book is also an author’s duty. For those of us who are a bit shy or technologically challenged, this can be a nightmare.
Wow – did this week go fast! The largest part of the issue is the Monday holiday, which caused Tuesday to be a Monday. Needless to say, I’m torn between wishing it was one more day long and being thankful …
Well, let’s just say that I’m really not happy with the school district. Who’s bright idea was it to give the kids a holiday on the Friday before Spring Break AND the Monday after? Who? Do they not realize that …