Ericka Scott

Felled by the Virus of Doom….
Sunday, April 18th, 2010
Filed under Uncategorized

And an “ah-ha” moment gone wrong

On Thursday, Kinderboy#1 came home from school with a stomach ache. The school nurse told me he’d thrown up. Then, she dropped unwelcome news into my lap (figuratively). “There’s an awful virus going around. All the kids are getting it.”

Friday dawned, Kinderboy#1 felt better, kidlets went off to school, all was well… yeah, that was just Fate having a good laugh at my expense.

4:58 am Saturday morning. I woke up, feeling like crud and crawled out the living room to sit in the dark, hoping the nausea and tummy ache would go away. It didn’t. By 9 am, I was in full-blown sickness mode. Luckily Mr. Wonderful pitched in and ran to the store for lemon-lime full-sugar soda and various tummy ailment medications. He then took the boys out on their scooters to run around the neighborhood. When he got back, he collapsed on the sofa and gave himself over to the virus – it was noon. Drama Teen was the next to fall at 3 pm. Kinderboy#2 – 5 pm (right after he ate a huge plateful of mac & cheese – bleh)

It’s now Sunday morning, it seems that most of us have recovered. Hard to tell with Drama Teen, she hasn’t made her weekend appearance yet and probably won’t until around noon.

Needless to say…I won’t be eating Tyson Chicken Nuggets anytime in the near future. Sorry Tyson!

Sometime on Friday, I had a brilliant Ah-ha moment regarding my historical romance. Boy, would it up the tension, blah, blah, blah… it wasn’t until sometime during my recovery last night that I realized the timeline is off, off, off…ten years off. So, unless I want to decrease the age of my heroine (which I am considering), I’ll have to figure out what little bits and pieces I changed to “up” the tension.

I’m blaming the virus…

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:wink: :-| :-x :twisted: :) 8-O :( :roll: :-P :oops: :-o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :-D :evil: :cry: 8) :arrow: :-? :?: :!: