Archive for February, 2010
It’s been a crazy, crazy week. Monday was pretty typical. The kids went to school, everything was great. Then, Tuesday came.
Drama Teen had a follow up angiogram at Loma Linda to evaluate her aneurysm. Is it blocked (fingers crossed …
Here it is, your tidbit of the week:
My mother raised me to believe that five minutes early is “on time”. As such, I stress about arriving a few minutes late for any appointment. But, today, was my personal best …
I am certainly glad to see Monday come, although the weekend was a good one. Saturday, we didn’t do much. Just the usual cleaning, playing, and entertaining bored kids. Sunday was our Wedding Anniversary. Six years (don’t ask why 2 …
I love my children, I love them more when they are at school or asleep (or playing at a neighbor’s house — can you spot the trend there?). Despite it having been a short week, it’s gone relatively well.
Drama …
I’m counting down the days until Drama Teen turns 18. Not because then she’ll be a grownup, but because after that date, I can block my ex-husband’s phone number from our home and never have to speak to him again. …
Wow — I forgot to do my too true Tuesday and my frantic Friday updates…mostly because there really wasn’t anything all that memorable to write about. We saw Tooth Fairy (cute movie) on Monday, the kids finally went back to …
I should’a been writing…instead, I’m giving you a free read! Happy Valentine’s Day and Enjoy!
As you know, I write seductive suspense and often my writing focuses on the dark side of life. Murder, mayhem, magick, ghosts, goblins, and even …
I had Drama Teen home sick two days this week, and Kinderboy#2 two days…only one of those days coincided (Thursday, actually today, since I’m writing this post early in hopes of not having to do anything more than park my …
Essie, The Accidental Mommy, who’s blog I stalk religiously ’cause she’s funny, informative, and did I say funny?, has thrown out the gauntlet to confess our most shameful listening habit.
What music do I have on my IPOD that I’m …
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