Ericka Scott

Frantic Friday Update
Friday, February 19th, 2010
Filed under Uncategorized

I love my children, I love them more when they are at school or asleep (or playing at a neighbor’s house — can you spot the trend there?). Despite it having been a short week, it’s gone relatively well.

Drama Teen has had issues with her bio dad for over a year now. She’s 17 months shy of 18 and anticipating that once she’s passed that magical landmark, he will have nothing more to do with her. Honestly, I fear that, too. He threatens it often enough. Sad that the person who is “supposed” to love you repeatedly talks about rejecting you. Yes, this is why she’s in therapy to improve her self-esteem — grrr…

The Kinderboys have had a relatively good week. They’ve both earned ice cream…too bad it’s supposed to rain tomorrow (another grrrr). Good thing we have a local Foster’s Freeze (or, if I can get my act together, I might head into town and stop by Cold Stones — can you say YUMMY!!!)

Kinderboy#1, our RADish, has been having trouble with the word ‘No;. It’s his automatic answer to any question (just to be contrary). Needless to say, he’s missed out on some good snacks and one night’s dinner because he didn’t listen to the question. He begs for a second chance, but after the first couple of times giving him another shot at it (and still having him sabotage himself), we’ve run out of seconds. He’s also having trouble *hearing* the word No, but I don’t think that’s RADish, just kidlike.

Kinderboy#2 is growing up W-A-Y too fast. I’m so glad that out of all my children I got one snuggler. Even now, he’ll curl up in my lap right before bed, snuggling in just like a baby. I get tears in my eyes thinking that by next year, he’ll probably be too mature to want to be rocked for a few minutes. Where does the time go?

Speaking of which, Sunday is my wedding anniversary. It’s been six years of nearly married bliss. He’s buying me a new computer chair for my gift…even better, we’ll get a whole afternoon of shopping for a chair and a gift for him and then dinner after, without the kids! Wooowwweeee!

I’m running through self-edits on my finally finished historical (remember, the one I was *never* going to write?). Now that the “story” is written, I’m having a blast layering in nineteenth century details, slang, and fleshing out my characters. I look back on when I first started writing this book a few short months ago and marvel, wow, have my hero and heroine grown! Still, I’ll be glad when I’m ready to send them out into the cold harsh world of publication. I have high hopes for their success, and I’m already thinking about my next book. It’s one of those stories that pops into your head almost fully formed (thank you Madam Muse). I just have to get it from my brain to my fingers and then on to paper.

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