Ericka Scott
Halloween Scavenger Hunt
Sunday, October 5th, 2008
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1. To enter the contest you must download a copy of the form and fill it out (you can get a copy of the form on Main Street — or, if you search my website and find the icon, click it to download a copy. Each author has the Cobblestone Scavenger Hunt graphic located on their website or blog. Once found please enter in the address of the webpage where the grapic is located.

2. Email completed form, along with name, email address, and mailing address to:

3. Uncompleted forms will not be eligible for prizes

4. Contest ends at midnight on Oct 30, 2008

5. All disputes will be decided by the Author Internet Promotions Director of Cobblestone Press.

6. Cobblestone Press Authors not elible to enter contest.

7. Winners will be drawn at random and notified of which prize they have won within the first two weeks of November.

List of Prizes:

Here is a list of Prizes….(More may be added!)

Sex Bomb Gift Bag

Celtic Journal & Goodie Gift Bag

2009 Calendar and Pen Set

Cobblestone Goodie Bag & Handmade Book Thong

Reader Appreciation Gift Bag

Vampire Oracle:Wisdom Download & Gift Bag

Going Down deck of cards

Download of backlist book & Goodie Gift BagDownload of first 3 Stormy Weather Books & Gift Bag

Handmade Book Thong & Plush Werewolf

Vampire Oracle:Rebirth Download & $10 Bath and Body Gift Certificate

Crystal Ball and Stand

Portrait of Seduction E-book and Crystal bookmark

Download of The Pleasure in His Bed & Dragon Diary Gift Set

$10 Starbucks Gift Card

Vampire Gift Pack

Download of Vampire Oracle: Sacrifice & Gift Bag

Purple Journal and Pen Set

Almond & Honey Soap, Candle, & Lotion Set

Happy October!
Wednesday, October 1st, 2008
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I don’t know about you, but I love autumn and October is one of my favorite months of the year. Although the days are shorter, we finally get a break from the heat and all the spooky decorations and candy are offered up for sale at the stores. All this really puts me in the mood to start reading, writing, and thinking about things that go bump in the night.

To celebrate, I’m participating in two big Halloween contests. The first is hosted by the multi-talented Moira Rogers. My prize is a free download of Postcards from the Dead.

The second is a scavenger hunt hosted by Cobblestone Press — my prize for that is a gorgeous crystal ball and stand. I’ll post more details about the scavenger hunt this weekend!

Fantastic Review for Twilight’s Embrace…
Sunday, September 21st, 2008
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I’m in the midst of frantically packing for a week away from home, but checked my e-mail one last time. As a result, I just have to share a snippet of the fantastic review I just received from Coffeetime Romance reviewer, Cherokee.

“Twilight’s Embrace has outstanding vampires, sharp dialogue, and anticipation that thrills. Ericka Scott takes a motivating plot, lively characters and adds just the right amount of suspense to make this read electric, I want more.”

To read the entire review, click here.

Stop the Presses!
Wednesday, September 17th, 2008
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My husband started calling around today, inquiring about what our next step was going to be with our daughter’s surgery. There seems to have been a ‘massive’ miscommunication.

Surgery is MONDAY! (Thankfully we found out prior to and not after the fact)…so, we are all reeling in shock and starting to get all our ducks in a row. Luckily much of the paperwork/blood work done for the last surgery is good for 30 days. So, they won’t have to be redone. Whew!

We also managed to get a reservation in the same hotel I stayed in previously. So, I’ll be familiar with the territory. I’m grateful for that.

So…back to your regularly scheduled activities…

Friday, September 12th, 2008
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The sneeze…normally the sound of a cold, occasionally a symptom of a nasal allergy. I’ve been down with a cold and an allergy for the last week, talk about a double whammy.

But, on the subject of allergies, I’m thrilled to say that my daughter does NOT have an aspirin allergy! Yippeeee. She completed her challenge with no issues and her neurosurgeon has been notified of the results. Now…we’re back to waiting for a date for surgery.

New Release ~ Forget Me Not
Monday, September 8th, 2008
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September 11, 2001 was a momentous day in history. It was also the day Letitia Davies lost her memory and began seeing ghosts. Despite the loving care of her husband, she never regained any memory of her past.

When he unexpectedly dies of cancer seven years later, Letitia travels back to Napa, California, to celebrate her birthday and plan out her future. There she encounters a sexy man who claims to be her real husband. Although her mind doesn’t remember him, her body does and his touch inflames passions she’d only dreamed of before.

In order to take her mind off her lust for the handsome stranger, Letitia investigates the death of a ghostly beauty. However, the series of clues she finds leads Letitia right back to her past and could either unlock her mind or destroy the only memories she has left.

Forget Me Not by Ericka Scott ~ Available from Total E-bound today!


If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a hundred times. Ghosts are selfish.

I should know—I’ve been seeing them since a chunk of concrete tried to turn me into one on 9/11. Since then, numerous spirits have visited me, each one of them wanting me to take a message to a loved one, give comfort to a grieving family member or exact revenge on their killers.

But the one ghost I wanted to see never appeared.

Even now, I couldn’t have a solitary birthday celebration without a revenant interrupting. Thank God for cell phones, for I can now talk to the spirits without appearing like some crazy woman who talks to herself.

I flipped open my pink Razr and glared at the ghost sitting across from me. “Go away,” I demanded in a low voice.

The woman’s smile wavered, but she made no move to vacate the seat. My goodness, I could have been looking at my twin sister. Her hair was worn in a short, straightened bob the way Aaron had insisted I wear mine. Since his death, I’d just let it go back to its normal curly state. The resemblance was uncanny, although I noted our eyes were different colours. Hers were large and hazel, mine were as black as my hair. The only thing that marred her perfect café au lait complexion was the bullet hole in the middle of her forehead.

“I don’t have time for this conversation right now. I’m here to enjoy dinner and celebrate my birthday. Come back tomorrow, I’ll talk to you then.”

The woman’s eyes filled up with tears, but she did finally disappear. I suspected she hadn’t gone far.

Alone at last. I took a sip of my wine and looked up at the stars sparkling through the canopy of grapevines. Napa Valley was beautiful any time of the year, but I loved it most in the fall when the vines were fragrant and heavy with fruit.
It reminded me of the night Aaron first brought me here. Blinded by a sudden wash of tears, I fumbled for my wine glass, hoping no one noticed my distress.

“Hello, I hope I’m not interrupting?”

I shook my head, not trusting my voice to be able to push past the lump of emotion in my throat.

The man slid into the seat across from me. He was six feet of pure muscle and sex appeal in a pair of dark blue jeans and a white shirt. His blond hair was cut short and the ends tipped with gold, either from the sun or a very good stylist. When he flashed me a hundred-watt smile that reached right up to his sparkling brown eyes, I felt a flicker of something deep in my belly. Whoa, what was that? Desire? Nah… After my accident, that part of me had died. Hadn’t it?

“This is going to sound really strange,” the man began.

Hey, that was my line! The one I use when knocking on some strange woman’s door to tell her to look for her father’s will in the fake spinach package in the back of the freezer, or to tell a man that his wife hid their stock certificates in with her beloved Manolos. I looked up at him with interest.

The man’s smile had dropped to about forty watts, and he looked uncomfortable in his skin. Oh shit. I gave him a subtle nod to encourage him to go on, although there was a heavy weight pressing down on me and I could hardly take a full breath.

“I have a message from Aaron.”

No, this was not happening. I leaned across the table, hoping that my voice was as venomous as I felt. “Listen, I see ghosts too, all the time. I can assure you, if Aaron needed to get me a message, he could do it himself.”

With as much dignity as I could muster, I ripped my napkin off my lap and threw it onto the table. I stood up too fast and my chair clattered to the floor. Heads turned my way, and I could feel heat infuse my face. So much for a quiet dinner.

My heart was pounding in my ears, but as I whirled away, the man’s voice chased me.
“Do you remember the first time we came here?”

My fleeing steps faltered, but I didn’t stop. I couldn’t. Oh Aaron. My heart had never quite stopped hurting since he died, and now I thought it was going to break all over again. I walked and then ran until I got to my cottage. I slammed the door shut and leaned against it, my ragged breathing sounding loud in the quiet room.
For once I was annoyed there wasn’t a television in the cottage. I couldn’t turn on some mindless sitcom and let the drone of conversation drown out the man’s voice echoing in my head.

The first time we came here.

We? Had he been channelling Aaron? I thought back. Of course I remembered when. It was in late September 2001, after my ill-fated trip to New York. Aaron had brought me here to rest and recuperate, to hopefully regain the memories I had lost. But alas, my mind had been wiped clean on 9/11. Since then, I had given up any hope of regaining any recollection of my past. Despite that, just being here again caused something to tease the edges of my mind. I closed my eyes and sighed. As before, no matter how hard I tried, the only thing I felt was a deep sense of loss.

There was a soft knock, and a voice called, “Ms. Davies?”

I sighed, thinking it was the management coming to make sure I hadn’t gone off the deep end.

Imagine my surprise when I saw who it was. Him…again.

“I’m really sorry to disturb you.”

My first reaction was to slam the door in his face, but something odd happened to my body. Warmth suffused me from head to toe, my breasts tingled and desire coiled deep in my womb. It took all my restraint not to drag him inside and jump him. As my gaze travelled down his lean frame, I could picture the smattering of hair across his perfect chest, the gold nipple ring he wore on the left side, the barbed-wire tattoo on his right biceps and the treasure trail that led to a …

Oh my! What sort of spell had he cast over me? Or had I suddenly developed x-ray vision?

Cover Art Christmas
Saturday, September 6th, 2008
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Getting new cover art is like opening that brightly wrapped package on Christmas morning!

Here’s the cover for my upcoming release from Cobblestone Press. Isn’t it lovely? I think I’m in love!

Dan Skinner designed it…and it’s left me….Breathless.

It’s my Diva Day!
Friday, September 5th, 2008
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I’m blogging over at Divas of the Dark today. Come join me, if you dare…

Much Ado about Nothing….
Tuesday, August 26th, 2008
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A Really Expensive Dress Rehearsal.

We showed up at the hospital on time and ready for the day at 4:45. My daughter was upbeat and optimistic, albeit sleepy.

By 7:30, she was IV’d and valiumed and ready to go.

At 10:00, we got a call down in the waiting room asking if Ashley was allergic to aspirin. Um…haven’t a clue. Since you aren’t supposed to give children aspirin, I never have. She’s had Tylenol and Motrin…but even at 14, no aspirin.

Well, seems she’d had an allergic reaction to something. Surgery was immediately stopped…The success of the bypass depends on her continuing to take aspirin after the surgery. So…since we don’t know the answer to whether she is allergic to aspirin or not, we now start another round of testing with an immunologist . There is no simple test, no blood test for this common allergy. So, now we are once again in a holding pattern waiting for yet another insurance referral and an appointment.

Like jugglers with plates balanced precariously in the air, we watched as they one by one fell down and shattered. My daughter cried when she found out…we all did.

Monday, August 25th, 2008
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Back when I used to work outside the home, I would have huge bouts of insomnia on Sunday nights as I mentally prepared myself for the week ahead. Well, it’s 2:40 am, and I’m awake. This time it isn’t work that’s keeping the sand man away. Instead, it’s my daughter’s surgery, scheduled for 7:30, just a few short hours away. It doesn’t help that we have to be at the hospital at 4:45 am! Or that my ex-husband flew in for the surgery.

I’m glad he did, for my daughter’s sake. He hasn’t played a very big role in her life since he left when she was two years old. It doesn’t help that he lives, literally, across the country now. So, visits are limited to a few weeks in the summer and occasional holidays. But, on this momentous occasion, I don’t want to share her.

But, I’ve tried to put myself in his shoes. That’s what authors do, right? They look at things from other people’s perspectives. And I’m being graceful and letting them have this time together. Although she’s just a block away right now and I’ll see her in just a few hours… anyway, you get the picture.

So, wish us luck and send lots of positive thoughts and prayers in our direction today if you get a chance. Thanks!