Ericka Scott

Monday, Monday…
Monday, November 8th, 2010
Filed under A Writer's Life

Wow…I’m loving the extra hour of sunlight in the morning. The kids popped right up for school and I was able to take my morning walk without the sun glaring into my eyeballs. All good.

Had a busy, contest-task filled weekend in preparation for the ACM programming contest in Riverside, CA, next weekend. I even got to help by working up a mail merge to help out with distributing items to the teams as they check in. This is the first time in years that I’ve had time to do anything to help out with the contest besides taking care of the kids while The Husband did his ‘thing’ — it was nice to lend a hand doing something I enjoyed.

The boys played outside all weekend. I avert my eyes when I see them swinging from the neighbor’s tree. After having had a girl for so long, it’s sometimes hard to let them be boys! Drama Teen slept for almost 24 hours around the clock, then woke up feeling fine…just in time to do all the homework she’d accumulated.

Another of my publishers is having a contest. Evernight Publishing, who will be publishing A Christmas Curse in ‘Twas a Dark and Delicious Christmas, is giving away several great prizes to celebrate their new website launch. Click the link for more details.

Contest Banner

For every e-book that you purchase through the new Evernight Publishing website (not including distributors), your name will be added to the draw. The more books you purchase, the more entries you receive.

Contest Draw Date: December 17th, 2010

I’ve also been updating the news section on my front page, so keep your eyes peeled there for more information about the anthology!


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:wink: :-| :-x :twisted: :) 8-O :( :roll: :-P :oops: :-o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :-D :evil: :cry: 8) :arrow: :-? :?: :!: