Ericka Scott

Frantic Friday Update….
Friday, November 5th, 2010
Filed under Uncategorized

Where oh where has the week gone? I lament this every single Friday. I’ve been busy writing, reading, and doing ‘authorly’ things. Like what? you ask. Well, I put together a little trailer of all my beautiful book covers, added music, and will be posting it hither, thither, and thon. What’s even cooler is that I’ll be adding more covers to the trailer very soon.

A Christmas Curse, appearing in ‘Twas A Dark and Delicious Christmas, will soon be getting cover art and being assigned a release date. Woot. I’ll be sure to let you know the details as soon as I do.

Until then…enjoy!

Oh, and if you want to find out more about my books, there’s tons more information on my books page.

I’ve got Drama Teen home sick today…she’s been having issues with pain from her scar. It’s healed and looks marvelous — hurts like heck, though, and she can barely comb her hair around it without crying. Phantom pains or real? We’ve got a call into the neurosurgeon to find out if it is “all in her head” (pun intended) or something we need to check into further. Hopefully, this is just a minor blip and she’ll be back to her drama-filled self next week.

Inertia boy lost his candy privilege the day after Halloween (no surprise, really). He’s spent the rest of the week dreaming up creative ways to pay us back for him making poor choices. Needless to say…he lost a few additional privileges along the way. It’s so sad that children affected by RAD don’t have a proper cause and affect association.

Scooter had been having some issues with his stomach and having to make urgent trips to the bathroom. Now, I’ll preface this with saying that our family is not made up of milk drinkers We’re lucky to go through a quart a week (now yogurt and cheese are another story!). That being said, it didn’t take a rocket scientist to identify the culprit as the bowl of cereal with milk he had taken a liking to eating in the morning. When we first brought him home from Guatemala, he also had horrible bowel issues. Switching him to a soy-based formula solved the problem. I’m happy to report that switching him to soy milk made the difference. We have a much happier little boy this week!

And in closing…I just have to say I’m looking forward to that extra hour of sleep on Sunday. Are you?


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:wink: :-| :-x :twisted: :) 8-O :( :roll: :-P :oops: :-o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :-D :evil: :cry: 8) :arrow: :-? :?: :!: