Tuesday, October 12th, 2010 | |
Filed under A Writer's Life |
Only, it’s not…sorry about that. I had this great idea to feature monsters every Monday in October (except I really missed the boat on that…sorry again). I’ll file the idea for next year…
Blogging regularly and writing full-time is tough to juggle — so tough that I’ve signed up to blog at Tabitha Blake’s Nocturnal Nights (like the ninny I am). I’ll be doing the NN publisher blog… No, I’m not a publisher, but there’s nothing more fun that finding calls for submissions and sharing the news. I’ll be doing that once or twice a week on Mondays starting in November. And on Wednesdays, I’m over at Written In Ink, blogging about writing. Which then led me to the realization that I need to update all of my links on my website to reflect that new data (if I have to say sorry again, I’m gonna slap myself silly).
In case you are wondering about all the alliterations, I’m taking a month-long on-line class of Compositional Flourishes, where I’m learning how to make my prose POP! I think I’ve mastered alliterations, now I need to figure out the PLOCE.
But I digress…
A writer’s life is never boring….in fact, I’ve had some really exciting stuff happen in the past few days —
I’ve been asked to be interviewed for a non-fiction book on writing (woot!)
I’ve been asked for a cover quote (thank you Amber Scott)
I’ll be at the Barnes and Noble in Encino, California, on Sunday, October 17th, signing copies of The Werewolf Whisperer and giving away a ton of swag (thank you Vistaprint!)
And I hope to be able to share good news with you soon, soon, soon, about my short story, Cursed for Christmas.
So stay tuned…