Ericka Scott

Fragile Friday Update (which is why it’s on Saturday)
Saturday, August 14th, 2010
Filed under Uncategorized

Wow…what a awful, horrible, terrible week.

I feel so childish to write that, yet, it sums up everything so well. Monday started off well…all the kiddos jumped out of bed, anxious for the first day of school. They got home at noon, and the bickering started minutes later. By five p.m., the oven roaster of my patience was DONE, DONE, DONE. Stuffed kids into bed late as they went school supply shopping and hoped for a better Tuesday.

Didn’t happen.

Tuesday, Driving Teen woke up with a 101.5 degree fever. Okay, day 2 and she’s already staying home sick. Not a great way to start the school year. Then, the boys got home at noon and Scooter, my easy-going lad, was doing the SpongeBob crying thing…you know, tears spurting everywhere, rolling on the ground, etc. I called The Husband. After I hung up, slightly calmer as he’d promised to come home early to rescue me (or the kids, I’m not sure)…I took temperatures. Scooter, 101.2, and Inertia Boy, normal. Tylenol dispensed, homework tackled, and once The Husband got home, long nap taken by emotionally wrought mom.

Driving Teen’s fever not responding well to medicine at all…in fact, at 6 pm, she spiked out at 103.4. Cold bath and a trip to urgent care. By 9 pm, we had our diagnosis. Strep throat for sure, and a test ordered for Lyme Disease due to a funky looking bug bite on her leg. Okay….got her home at 10’ish, medicated her, and loaded up Scooter for his trip to Urgent Care as I was certain he, too, had strep. I’d only gotten as far as the on-ramp to the freeway when The Husband called. Remember the Lyme disease test? Well, they’d forgotten to draw the blood. Grrr. Turned around, picked up Driving Teen, and drove both kids to Urgent Care.

Scooter’s diagnosis. Strep Throat. Another trip to 24-hour pharmacy to pick up yet another antibiotic, medicine dispensed, and we all crawled into bed at 1 am. I can hardly believe it’s only TUESDAY (well, Wednesday, but wow, what a day)….

Wednesday and Thursday I put on my pseudo-CNA hat…dispensing medicine, fluffing pillows, taking temperatures, refilling drinks, sanitizing all flat surfaces… two more long days, let me tell you. The worst part was when The Husband, in an attempt to be sympathetic, told me “in twenty years, you’re going to miss these days. Try to enjoy the journey.” WTF? Now, I love The Husband. I know that those words were spoken out of love…but boy did they rankle. Enjoy the journey?!? From what planet did that dear man spring?

Friday, all kiddos supposedly healthy, were sent to school. I breathed a sigh of relief and tried to write a little – to no avail. Instead, I entered one of my 2009 releases into the Epic Book Awards Contest…mostly so I could say I did something career-oriented this week. Driving Teen has some very weird bug-bitey things going on and we’re anxious to get that Lyme disease test back… she also has some mongo tonsil swelling, which we’re not sure is totally due to the strep throat. Is she allergic to yet another antibiotic? Lord, I hope not!

Today, is Saturday and I’m finally feeling a bit brighter. The sun is starting to peek through all those heavy black clouds. As a reward, my muse visited me this morning….I’ve been a bit stuck as to where to go with the initial hero/heroine first meeting. My writing tends to the serious side…and I’ll freely admit to lovin’-me some plot…however, this next scene is all emotion with a little humor on the side. I’m excited to see how it turns out.

On Monday, I’ll be over at Jeannie Ruesch’s Happy Endings Blog talking about my most recent agent search. I sure hope that posting about it on the “Happy Endings” blog will ensure that the next time around, I, too, have a happy ending to that story.

Till then….may your weekend (and mine) be Strep-free.


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:wink: :-| :-x :twisted: :) 8-O :( :roll: :-P :oops: :-o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :-D :evil: :cry: 8) :arrow: :-? :?: :!: