Tuesday, July 6th, 2010 | |
Filed under A Writer's Life |
Well, it’s 4 minutes until Tuesday, but I’m gonna ignore the clock and post this as Monday’s blog anyway. So there!
Had a great weekend. It was nice having the entire block show up for fireworks on the 4th. It’s times like yesterday when I think about my friend, Ellie. She was the glue that kept the neighborhood together for many years. It’s hard to believe that she’s been gone almost as long as I knew her. When I moved into the house in 1999, she was my first friend in the neighborhood and quickly became one of my best friends. She always had an open door and a shoulder to cry on. She was the first to celebrate successes and “everyone” knew her. Ellie lost her battle with diabetes. Hers wasn’t a sudden death, but instead was a slow insidious fight. She’s the reason I donate time, money, and passion to Brenda Novak’s auction each year. So, wherever you are, Ellie, know that I still think about you and miss you like crazy..
The kids had a topsy-turvy tired weekend, the high point of which was going to see The Last Airbender in 3D. I have to admit, I think it would have been just as good in 2D. Lets just hope I remember that when the next two movies come out.
Anyway…it’s now officially Tuesday and the boys are entering their last week of summer camp. So, I have lots of writing and editing to do. My goal is to salvage the scenes I can from my old manuscript before I take off with the kids to visit grandparents. That way, I can concentrate on only new words…which I can write on my Alphasmart or even long hand (and pay Driving Teen to type the pages in for me when we return from vacation).