Monday, June 21st, 2010 | |
Filed under A Writer's Life |
I missed heading out for the boys’ swim lessons this morning. They provided a “goal” to getting out of the house on time. I did manage to get the boys to Summer Day Camp pretty much at the stroke of 10:30’ish. They missed tennis, so we’ll have to re-evaluate drop offs and pick ups for the rest of the week, so they don’t miss any of the “fun” stuff.
Also compounding this week’s monotony is that Drama Teen will become Driving Teen in a few hours (well, kind of). Her first class is tonight. She’s excited…she’s been doing her hair since the moment she woke up. Hopefully she’ll be ready to go by 4 o’clock– LOL.
I was supposed to deliver pages to my mentor (Debra Mullins, compliments of the Brenda Novak auction) this past weekend. But realized that since I’m targeting a different audience (Urban Fantasy), the word count for those books is huge (100,000 in many cases). So, I’m adding two scenes, and will have to edit a third, before I can get those pages to her. So, write, write, write is my motto for the next couple of days.
I’ve also racked up another request for a partial of Nevermore, outweighed by the number of rejections I’ve received. So, fingers crossed on hearing more positive than negative over the next few weeks ~