Friday, June 18th, 2010 | |
Filed under A Writer's Life |
Well, this week has certainly marched on by. Lots happened, lots of writing, lots of inspiration, lots of rejections (yeah, I keep telling myself that they are part of the publication process, but it’s still an ouch).
Swim lessons are over. Amazingly, I’m going to miss them. The boys had a BLAST. One of them graduated to the Beginner class. I’ve never quite seen a boy take to water the way mine do, but for one, swimmers arms and kicking seemed to come natural. For the other, he was happy to huddle under a beach blanket on the cold days. I’ve decided I need new names for the boys…they graduated from kindergarten, and the #1 and #2 just isn’t as descriptive as I would like. Kinderboy#1 is our inertia boy. Whatever he is doing, he doesn’t like to stop doing until forced to…watching TV, putting on his clothes…it’s all a struggle against movement. Kinderboy#2 is my little Scooter…he scoots along, happy go lucky, never seeming to exert himself but making lots of great and steady progress. Drama Teen…well, she’s dropped much of the drama these days (Did I tell you she’s taking Driving Lessons next week! Yikes!), so she might be Driving Teen by next month (how do you spell heart failure?).
Had lunch with Amanda and Virginia from my IRL writing group. We’ll be having a standing brainstorming, writing, plotting, and eating meeting every Friday. I’m really looking forward to it. I’m a self-starter for the most part…I can bang out my word count without a reminder, but I need someone looking over my work to make sure I haven’t left the path for worlds unknown without a map and compass~!
This weekend is Father’s Day. My dad, as you may know, suffers from Alzheimer’s. Of all terminal diseases, this is one of the worst. It robs a person of family & friends, memories both new and old, and enjoyment of life. But I know that somewhere in all the lost darkness, he is still my biggest fan. Love you Daddy!