Wednesday, January 13th, 2010 | |
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Why? Well, although this falls into the happenings of my Friday family update, I feel the need to post about it now. Maybe just to get it off my chest.
I’ve been up since 3:18 am. Not because I wanted to be, either. I brought the sickness home over the weekend (picked up in Walmart on aisle 6 or 7, I forget which one). I had hoped it was food poisoning, but in the wee sma’ hours of the morning, it was obviously viral. Kinderboy#2 woke Daddy up (because I sleep like a dead thing) and some shuffling and turning on lights ensued. I turned over, trying to recapture the dream starring Keanu Reeves. Hubby flies through door and I ask him what’s up. He murmurs something about a thermometer. I inform him that the viral-thing I had didn’t come with a temperature.
CRASH, BANG, BOOM. I sat straight up in bed, heart pounding, sure it was the Haiti earthquake repeating itself here in California (the land of the impending Big One). But no, it was angry hubby searching for the thermometer. More crashing, more booming, and it’s obvious that things are being pitched onto the floor.
Hubby departs and quiet ensues. I try, desperately to recapture that Keanu feeling. Hubby creeps back to bed but ruins the affect by giving me a lecture on what to tell the maids about hanging cords in front of drawers that must be opened in the night. Then he tells me I need a lesson in cord safety as well. WTH?
Now I know, and he denies, that this all started with the dishwasher incident 3 weeks ago. What, may you ask, was that? Well, my husband is a great guy. He works hard and doesn’t grumble (too much) about the money I spend to keep the household running or snipe at me for the housework I should be doing, since I stay home all day and work in the house. I appreciate all that. So much so that he only had one lousy little chore to do every day.
Empty the dishwasher.
That’s it.
Get up in the morning, empty the dishwasher, go to work, come home, eat dinner, play with family, rinse, repeat. Except since the programming contest in early NOVEMBER, the dishwasher duty kindof dropped out of the routine. I didn’t say too much from Sept – Nov, knowing that the contest takes over most things. But after? So, one night after I’d looked at TWO sinks full of dishes all day and watched him give up washing his hands at the kitchen sink and then walk away from a dishwasher full of clean, shiny dishes to go to bed that I lost it.
Yes, I could, indeed, empty that dishwasher. When it’s only once or twice a week, I can swallow it. However, it was going on day 5 of him just “forgetting”. Now, I could understand if it were buried among a busy schedule of other household chores, but this is IT. The only daily one he has. WTF? So, around midnight, I unloaded the dishwasher with vim and vinegar, loaded it back up, and meandered (stalked really) back to bed.
He acted all surprised, apologetic, etc. but I still suspect there’s something passively aggressive about not doing the chore. So much that I brought that up. He denied it, but I still wonder if the whole incident hasn’t just been seething on his back burner. So, was last night payback? He claims it wasn’t, but as for me…I’m not that sure.
All I know is surprise, surprise…I’ve forgotten to cook dinner tonight. So there.