Tuesday, October 5th, 2010 | |
Filed under A Writer's Life |
When I was a child I thought as a child. time moved at a snail’s pace, or slower. I never truly believed grownups who told me to enjoy it, because once grown, time would fly. Yeah, right.
Yeah, they were right. It’s been especially hectic as inertia boy, my little RADlet who never gets sick, is sick, has been sick since Friday morning. He’s been running a low-grade fever for days upon days. Yesterday, he got a cough. Now, I had some follow up blood work I had to get done or have my own Doctor have her nurse call me hourly…so….I listened to the poor little guy cough, cough, hack, hack, until I was able to convince The Husband to take inertia boy to Urgent Care (two trips to the Dr’s office was one too many for me).
Bronchitis is the doctor’s best guess. Antibiotics seem to be helping a bit. Sleep might be helping more.
Amazingly, with all the chaos, and adding in that I’m taking an online craft class, blogging at Written In Ink (join me for Write With Me Wednesdays) and working on a full-length novel, I’ve gotten an impressive number of words written this week. It helps that I’m working on something short, shiny, and erotic…A Christmas story I’ll be subbing for an anthology at Evernight Publishing (wish me luck) sometime next week after I’ve gotten it finished and polished and polished some more.
Oh, and don’t forget that I’m participating in the Night Owl Reviews Scavenger Hunt!
Good luck!