Ericka Scott

Where Oh Where Did the Weekend Go?
Monday, August 30th, 2010
Filed under A Writer's Life

Yep, missed blogging on Friday — I was busy reading, writing, and playing around to make a new book trailer. Unfortunately, although I absolutely love it, I won’t be able to use it. I’d designed my own cover for an upcoming book (Wild Ghost Chase, releasing in 2011) but wasn’t able to obtain my publisher’s approval to use my design. I wasn’t really surprised, although I think it’s the best cover I’ve ever put together. The time wasn’t all wasted, for I got to learn how to use a new software (Photo Story 3 for Windows). Originally designed for digital scrapbooking, it works purty good for book trailers too.

The weekend flew by…we did a little of something and a lot of nothing. We did, however, have a time travel glitch. Although I had thought Drama Teen had matured 1.5 years since the “troubling times” of 2008…we had an incident rear it’s ugly head and bring it all back. Same boy, same drama, same broken trust issues. Man, oh, man… Sadly, I can’t say I was any wiser in dealing with it than I was 1.5 years ago.

Just a reminder here…I’m going to be giving up Too True Tuesdays…I just don’t have all that much to share about myself, I guess….

Instead, I’m going to be blogging over at Written In Ink with Misty Wright. She’s an unpublished author who will be blogging on Mondays about her writing journey. Won’t it be great when we can all say “we knew her when?”. As for me, I’ll be doing a Write With Me Wednesdays workshop. Then there will be free-for-all on Fridays — book reviews, guests, and contests. Lots of fun! So, if you don’t find me here, you’ll find me there…or at Myspace, where I’ll re-post all of my blogs.

Here’s to a great week!


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:wink: :-| :-x :twisted: :) 8-O :( :roll: :-P :oops: :-o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :-D :evil: :cry: 8) :arrow: :-? :?: :!: