Ericka Scott

A Frantic Friday Update
Friday, May 21st, 2010
Filed under Uncategorized

I had a few extra minutes today so I thought I would throw a frantic Friday update at y’all.

I’m doing the mega-happy dance as I won, I won, I won. Remember the Brenda Novak auction for diabetes? There are various 1-day auctions throughout the month, and I won a read with Scott Eagan of Greyhaus Literary Agency. Woot! I won a critique from him several years ago – he’d requested a full but the book wasn’t quite ready, okay, it wasn’t even fully written and with my daughter’s upcoming surgery that year, it just didn’t happen. This time, I’m prepared. Nevermore is written, edited, and in the polishing process. So, Scott, be prepared. It’ll be on it’s way, soon!

By this time next week, school will be out. For two of my children, it’s a wondrous event. For Kinderboy#1, the stress of change is beginning to creep in. He likes his schedule…he doesn’t like change. His behavior has been ping-ponging back and forth between excitement and panic. Tantrums which he’d stopped throwing more than one a day, have crept back into the two or more incidents, usually over things he knows he can’t have and has forced you into say “No” just to give him the excuse to whine, cry, and lose privileges.

We’re keeping our fingers crossed that Drama Teen passes her two math courses. Prior to this year, a failure just meant summer school; however, with all the district cuts, summer school has been canceled. So, if she fails, she’ll have to work it into her regular schedule somehow. Bleh.

Kinderboy#2 is dreading summer camp — I’m not sure why, but I’m hoping that once he realizes what fun he’s having, he’ll change his mind.

Well, that’s it for me…I’m heading back to the painstaking process of polishing up my manuscript. I’m less than a third of the way through and only have 1 week to finish before the kids are home, sucking up all my creativity and energy.

Wish me luck!

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