Friday, September 18th, 2009 | |
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Writers are such solitary creatures that we often forget they have friends and family…heck, I often forget I have friends and family. So, I thought that I would start sharing some of the happenings around the Scott household on Fridays.
Drama Teen has had a good week. Her progress report was impressive…all A’s & B’s except in Geometry where she landed a resounding thunk of an F. Yep, genetics tell, math is not my strong point and I still count on my fingers when we play cribbage.
Kinderboy #1 was sent home with a stack of papers earlier this week. Each one had his indecipherable scrawl at the top with the teacher’s comment to please make sure he can write his name. I’m looking at the words and a sudden pattern of the same letters, n-a-m-e in various configurations meme, amne, etc. emerges. Turns out that instead of writing HIS name at the top of the paper, he was copying the word in front of the line (name). Argh! We all had a good laugh at it…
I received a call from the school today about Kinderboy #2. My first thought…”oh, no, he’s sick” disintegrated with the secretary’s words. He’d tattled on a child doing something they shouldn’t have been doing and that child got sent to the office. In a paroxysm of misplaced guilt, he was now crying and feeling guilty. Yep…that’s my boy. The woman assured me that the child was, indeed, doing something wrong and Kindrboy#2 was right to tattle, but he still felt cruddy. Now, if he’d only feel that bad after he tells tall tales about his brother!
Mr. Scott is busy with “the other woman”… he’s a judge/director of a intercollegiate programming contest and for about 3 months of the year is “distracted” by programming problems, programming solutions, website updates, etc. We’re expecting the delivery of Mary Kate and Ashley (hard drives) and Vanessa, the server, lives in our garage.
The nursing home where my father lives, confined by the Alzheimer’s Disease that has stolen his family and friends from him, has a whole wing quarantine with this horrible H1N1 flu. Luckily, he hasn’t succumbed to it yet. My mother still spends most of every day with him. It reminds me of those couples that when one dies, the other one simply gives up living to be with them…I’m hoping that’s not the case with my parents as Mom is still in good health and as vibrant as ever.
Well, that’s it for us until next Friday. On Monday, I’ll have some great book news and a new cover to share…
Until then,