Saturday, September 8th, 2007 | |
Filed under A Writer's Life |
I love the special calls that go out from publishers for holiday-themed romances. So far, I’ve written one for Halloween and Christmas…but I just wasn’t interested in working on a Valentine story. It’s not that I don’t love hearts, chocolates, and sexy lingerie. I do…but I really didn’t think I could come up with a story that was different and yet romantic…and well, DIFFERENT.
Then, the other day, I’m in the shower. The muse loves the shower. I figure it must remind her of standing naked under waterfalls in Hawaii while watching cabana boys deliver towels and margaritas (sigh) and well, over the sound of the water, I suddenly hear her voice whisper “what about….” and she outlines the most freaking genius storyline in my ear. Luckily, that was on Thursday. So I was able to dedicate my writing time on Friday to outlining it. I’m 3000 words in and it’s incredible.
I’m not going to share much about it…I don’t want to jinx it. I’m even afraid to google the theme and find out that the whole plot/premise has been done to death. I just want to WRITE the book.
And this from the writer who was just saying last week that she didn’t WANT to write a Valentine story…