Thursday, August 23rd, 2007 | |
Filed under A Writer's Life, What I'm Reading |
Well…I finished reading Harry Potter last night. I think I went through almost a box of tissue there at the end. Sniffle. Then my husband and I laid in bed and discussed it. Needless to say, it was a late night! My daughter is on about page 306…so we can’t say much while she is around.
Amazingly, with all the reading I’ve done in the last couple of days, I’ve also done some really good editing on the second draft of Fool’s Gold. I’m on page 88/111 and will try to finish the second draft today. I find I add quite a bit of layers and details during this portion of the work…it’s at 23K right now and may finish up closer to 24K by the time I’m done. Then I have to go and take out all the *thats* as well as the ands, buts, and thens, thens that I’ve started sentences with and in that process I’ll probably remove 300 words! Ack! I’m hoping to have Fool’s Gold submitted by the beginning of next week.
Fridays at the library are back!
My husband gave me babysitting for my birthday so that I could go to the library and write. At the end of the summer, Nati went on vacation for a month. But a couple of weeks ago, I got one last Friday…or so I thought. Since then, Nati has decided to do homeschool/independent study this semester so that she can graduate early. As a result, she has Friday afternoons free and would love to earn $!! So, from 2-5 I’ll be at the library writing away. I’ll have to hurry back to attend the Cobblstone Press chat and told my husband we’ll have to go out to eat on Fridays (that’s a win-win situation, huh?)
So, I’ll be working on my Vampire Oracle story tomorrow!