Ericka Scott

Name that Hero
Sunday, May 20th, 2007
Filed under Blurbs and Promos

Pick a name, any name.

I need a name for my hero in Wild Ghost Chase. He’s tall (aren’t all heroes?), with wavy blond hair, green eyes, and a devastating smile. And, he’s nameless. Now is your chance to share your favorite heroic name.

The catch. . .his “real” name is Jason Newsome (see– told you it would change). . . but he has recreated himself as a one-name psychic detective. . . so I need something catchy and unusual. Something that sums up mystery, sex, and the supernatural!

Just leave the name in the comments. I’m taking any and all suggestions up until Friday May 25th– Oh, and if I pick yours, you’ll win a $5 gift certificate from Cobblestone Press.

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