Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category
Yep, you heard me right. Believe me, it wasn’t an easy decision. I’m addicted to books…reading them, writing them, owning them. If it wasn’t for the “pitching” gene I inherited from my mom, I would be in danger of showing …
I’ve just received page proofs for my upcoming release, Wild Ghost Chase.
Two reality-show ghost-busting teams versus one haunted house – the first team to successfully exorcise the spirits wins the renewal of their television contract. It sounds like …
When I left the rat race of technical editing and writing to stay at home with my kids for a few years, I honestly thought the only thing I missed were the people. I’d had enough of office politics and …
Stop by Heroines with Heart and see what I have to say about writing schedules and how I break them.…
The life of a writer is never boring….especially when life gets in the way. On Valentine’s Day, I got the dreaded middle-of-the-night phone call about my father. He was losing his fight with Alzheimer’s Disease via pneumonia. I flew home …
My upcoming release, Wild Ghost Chase, follows two teams of “Ghost Busters” into a haunted house. They have the equipment and expertise to deal with ghosts (supposedly, anyway). What do you do if your house is haunted? Here’s some …
As some of you know, I was eagerly (that’s an understatement) looking forward to a trip to Egypt in the very near future (as in less than a month from now). Because of current events, our trip has been postponed …
…is an unaccomplished goal.
At Partners in Crime, my IRL critique group, we were talking about goals. With a start, I realized I haven’t done any for this year. Oh, I had half an idea of what I thought I …
Last year, I started walking again, for my health, my sanity, and mostly to escape the craziness that is sometimes my life.
I enjoy walking. What I don’t enjoy is the self-dialogue I conduct while I put one foot in …
Since the beginning of the month, I have decided to write a minimum of 100 words every day…rain, shine, sickness, health, whether LIFE or laziness intrudes. What I’ve realized is that it’s nearly impossible to write just 100 words.
The …
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