Ericka Scott

Care for a Tease?
Thursday, May 8th, 2008
Filed under Uncategorized

This post is oooooh so appropriate on two different counts. The first is that I’m blogging today over on the Cobblestone Press blog about an excerpt booklet published by the Marketing For Romance Writers group. So, pop on over there to browse luscious cover art, enticing blurbs, and mouth-watering excerpts.

Second…I finished my Tease Dark Tarot — Twilight’s Embrace. Wow. The words just poured out of me once I got started. I began writing the ending the other day during one of my writing stints at Panera Bread Company. It was so moving, I had tears in my eyes. So….I wrapped it up and finished writing it at home where I could cry over my keyboard! Final word count ended up being 33,300 words, most of which I wrote in under a week. Yowza!

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